Monday, March 12, 2012

misery loves company.

     It is March already and I have not posted a blog in two months. I have good reason for my actions...or lack thereof. I didn't want to use my blog as an extreme venting session. However, the more I thought about it, I came to the conclusion that my blog has changed, into what I needed it to be for me, over the years. From that conclusion alone, I decided that I will use MY blog as whatever I need it to be. If others do not like this...then by all means stop coming to my site. Just like any other post, if you can not understand my train of thought clear enough to read through to the end then you shouldn't strain your brain. If you can, congrats to you.

This rant I would like to discuss...My Maybe Girl.

     Even though she is older than me she is in fact a girl...and far from that which I consider a woman. Maybe one day she will learn that her actions and words not only hurt others but also hurts her character. No wonder she is single and falls in and out with her "friends." Maybe one day she will be able to find someone in life who wants to put up with her. Because as a former friend, I no longer will.

     Oh My Maybe Girl, one day you will look back and realized you screwed yourself out of a great friend. Sorry I can't always hang out because I have a full time job and life. Thank you God that my real friends and family love me no matter how much time passes in between seeing each other. It's called growing up hun and having a life you love coming home to, and understanding others do too. Life isn't about going out, running the streets, or how many times in a week you get to drink and/or party.

     Another point I would like to share for My Maybe Girl is that no matter how mad you are at me or anyone else. It NEVER gives you the right to put your hands on someone. We are not adolescent and you should be grateful you got nothing in return. That will only happen once.

     I have never, yes I can honestly say NEVER, had someone not like me for no reason. 100% of the time anyone has ever disliked me I was either mean, a serious smartass, or hurt them in some way. I have NEVER had someone dislike me because they're jealous I take away going out/partying time from another. Grow up girl. I had always been nice, seen you more than I have my friends/family in past months, and never treated you or anyone you love badly. Therefor, I consider you disliking me for no reason. Jealousy, selfishness, and self-centered-ness are your own problems and are not reasons to dislike someone who has done nothing wrong.

     Readers believe me when I say, I can count on one hand, and not use all my fingers, how many times I have been able to say "I have done nothing wrong in this situation." This is one rare exception. I get in myself trouble by my actions, words, and lack of respect at times but I am always willing to apologize, admit when I am wrong, and try to make things better. HOWEVER, in this situation I did nothing wrong and I feel sorry for My Maybe Girl, honestly.

     When others say they are happy and choose not to indulge as frequent in the dead in street My Maybe Girl can't seem to turn around, that should be a great thing for anyone who cares. Just because My Maybe Girl is so far away from growing up the least bit doesn't mean other people can not grow up any. When others are not living life My Maybe Girl's way, she can not wrap her head around it long enough to understand that people are allowed to grow and be happy. People almost always find a significant other they enjoy, less time is spent with others, and love grows. That doesn't mean that people care or love their family and friends any's just how things work. It's part of life.

     My Maybe Girl, the only thing you can do besides act the way you have recently, is to open your eyes and be happy for others. Be happy for others who have found happiness and have found others in life who treat them right and do not hold them back from anything. Be happy, not jealous, for others who have found something great...even if it's not the exact life they once had, or the life you still have. Just because someone doesn't live life the way you think they should, that gives no grounds for you to question happiness, make lives harder, or try to take that way. Shame on you.

     One good thing did come from my eye opening encounter with My Maybe Girl. I learned to appreciate my few true friends and close family even more. They are straight blessings from my God.

I'll continue to pray for My Maybe Girl.

Reliable Friends are Hard to Find & Faithful Friends are a Rare Treasure. Proverbs 20:6 & Proverbs 18:24

always & forever,

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