Thursday, January 12, 2012

What I learned from 2011.

Looking back at 2011. This is my send off.

It only takes one. One selfish person to ruin everything the other thought was amazing. The married couples, with everything at stake, can still crumble from just one selfish person. On the bright side, it still takes one. One person to love you the right way. One person to give you their all. One person to put all of their trust in you. Just that one...can make all the difference.

The greatest gift any family can be blessed with is a child. God brings such joy to so many through this blessing. However, a positive pregnancy test, sonogram picture, and even hearing a heartbeat is not a concrete promise for anyone.

A person who is always there, no matter what ups and downs, is the one to keep. The one who will drop everything to come get you, no matter where you are, is the one to value. The one who will answer the phone in the middle of a deep sleep, at three in the morning, when they have to get up for work in a few short hours, to meet any need that you feel is so pertinent that it can not wait, is the one to keep.

People will always undervalue you. No matter how great you treat others, or how much effort you put out. I don't care what anyone has to don't always get what you give. The sooner you learn to accept instead of expect, the better off you will be. Learn and know your value so you do not have to settle in any situation.

At some point, you will realize that you are overworked, underpaid, under stress, and under appreciated. At any other given time you will realize you are running out of patience, time, love, money, clothes that fit, cars that run right, and people who treat you right. Fortunately for you, one day you will come to find you have all you need with a few close friends, the family you have left, the job you still have in the crazy economy, and a God that never turns His back on you...even when you continue to turn your back on Him.

There is a huge/gi-normous difference in between love and like, wrong and right. Never run if you're not ready to step. Never forgive unless you're ready to forget.

Not all people are worth keeping in your life. Open your eyes. Even if that person if someone else. Do that other person, or those certain people a favor and leave them alone. Especially if you can't seem to muster up the respect to stop hurting those people.

Finding out who you are or inventing/creating yourself does not happen in high school. It seems really cool and like a popular concept for people who are more lost than I am when I drive out of town, but it just really doesn't happen at a young age. It builds over the years. It comes when you grow older and wiser. It comes from experience, people you choose to surround yourself, mistakes you make, choices you make, the road you want to walk, and the God you pick to follow...if any.

Actions will always scream louder at me than any words that can ever come out of your mouth. No matter how clever or beautiful you dress your words...actions are where it's at.

I have seen days so dark that I would swear God was punishing me, or trying to teach me a lesson. The feeling of wanting to give up, run away, and stay in my room all to familiar. I have come a long way. The hard thing is the realization that I have such a ways more to go. The only difference now is that I know I can make it through anything with God, my family, and my friends by my side.

I also know what it's like to not just pray but to pray and be heard. I know how it feels to have a relationship so close to God that every move I made fell into place. I know what it's like to be on cloud nine and feel like I could be no higher than that moment. I know what it's like to feel disappointed in myself for letting my relationship with God slip from what it was. Almost like I turned my back on Him because I was neglectful and felt alone. I know I have never been alone and that He loves me no matter how many times I feel like I break His heart.

2011 was a wild ride. I'm glad to see a new year but I will never forget...

Always & Forever,

Ann Anise.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Overview from 2011

Yes, I am well aware have not posted since November. Yes, I am also aware that my blogging habits seem to always slack at the end of each year. No, I do not have an excuse but instead I offer an explanation as to why I have made my yearly slacking habit extend a little longer than normal. That explanation being I have been taking time for myself. I am very proud at how far I have come the past few months...especially looking back and seeing how far I slipped and fell.

Overview of 2011.

Tanner was born.
Uncle Elmo died
Donna & I spend days in LC spending time and helping with Tanner
Photo shoot
Spring Break in Myrtle Beach with my girls.
Masters Week
Alan's birthday
Met Zack while out for Donna's birthday
Memorial Day at the lake
Met Zack's parents
Giving figure skating lessons
Ice rink closes
Heather & I pick the guys up from their Vegas trip      
Kyle and Cara's wedding reception
Kristina's birthday at the lake
Donna & I go to the Mountains
Zack and I start officially start dating
Tanner's 6 month check up
Heather's birthday night
Yahtzee and Scrabble
Movies with Heather & Ken
Lake with Kristina & Donna
We tell our parents and friends our exciting news
School starts back at ASU
Brian Adams concert
WJBF News Channel 6 lets Matt go. Fail.
Met Zack's Granny
Trip to NC
Zack & I have an upsetting loss
Coffee Club Winner
My first plane ride
Trip to Boston to watch two Red Sox games
Ate the best Italian food while in Boston
Augusta ENT moved into Sutherland Mill
My 22nd birthday
Found a love for William Shakespeare
Weekends at the lake
Homecoming game
Sonny died
More weekends at the lake
Roasting marshmallows
Clearing the lake lot
Almost setting the lake house on fire
Babysitting Tanner
Mom's Birthday
Thanksgiving in Lincolnton and Columbia
Heather asks me to be in her and Ken's wedding
Christmas party
Nickie's birthday night
Christmas in Augusta and Lincolnton
Ice rink re-opens and I take Zack skating for his first time ever
New Years Eve at Chads
The time past so fast. Experience was had. Lessons were learned. Losses seemed to dominate. God elevated me from the dark. Assuring His love is limitless, and His strength endless. 

Looking back...gains were immeasurable.

Always & Forever,

Ann Anise.