Monday, December 21, 2015

Tinker Belle

     There is never a right time or place. Its rarely convenient. It challenges everything you once thought was certain. It sneaks up before you even realize what's happening. It can be best thing you never expected to be apart of... and that's when you start second guessing every view you ever had.

     Sometimes, it's really hard to appreciate an experience without having thoughts tinged with nostalgia. When you truly care, doing what's best can still weigh heavily on the mind...and heart. Walking away smiling, all while begging yourself to turn around, is a true struggle. Maybe it's not that dramatic but some simile of the sorts.

     You know the kind of movie where everything works out in the end? It starts with circumstances beyond past, mental, or physical control. When it's almost over, someone steps up to defy all the odds. They show up just in time to prove how much debilitating circumstances mean nothing compared to a lifetime spent without the chance they decided to take in that very moment.

    & Just like any good story, if that's what you're wanting to see, you have to watch the tragedy unfold to learn how the end plays out.


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